Houzz has become a go-to resource for homeowners, designers, and home improvement professionals. It’s a place for finding design inspiration and opportunities to collaborate. It’s a place for finding the right professionals for a home design or renovation project. It’s a place for designers and home improvement experts to showcase their work.  Houzz has rapidly expanded to become one of the world’s leading online platforms for home remodeling and design with a community of over 25 million design enthusiasts, professionals, and homeowners.

To make it even easier for homeowners to find the right professionals for the job, Houzz provides a comprehensive, 360-degree view of professionals. Whether you are looking for a landscaper, contractor, interior designer, architect, or builder in your area, Houzz has everything you need to find a top-rated professional that will suit your style and needs. This 360-degree view is comprised of portfolios, accreditations, reviews, and awards that Houzz delivers in an intuitive and accessible format. A recent press release, for example, just announced the winners of the Best of Houzz 2015 awards.

TMS Architects was pleased and honored to receive the Best of Houzz 2015 award for Customer Satisfaction. This is the highest accolade a professional can receive on Houzz for client satisfaction. It’s a result of the number and quality of reviews and other factors that prove a professional’s unwavering commitment to excellence. We couldn’t be happier with this recognition as our customer service is an essential ingredient to our philosophies as a full-service home design and architecture firm.

Our client-centric approach to custom home design ensures living spaces that are just as tailored to our clients’ personal tastes as they are their lifestyles. Every design element affects how a space looks, feels, and functions, which means each one should be deliberate and aligned with our clients’ wants and needs. Here at TMS Architects, we know that the only way to achieve the absolute best results is through impeccable customer service.

To speak with one of our team members here at TMS Architects to learn more about our services, contact us online or by calling 603-436-4274.