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PEA Faculty Housing

Only a few years ago, creating an environmentally sustainable home was the goal of a select few, ranging from a handful of stylish fad fixtures, to shaping the entire aesthetic of a house. But with the remarkable recent advances in design, science, and culture, anyone now building a house has no reason to forego the incorporation of green elements — and the same is especially true of simple, new additions to an already existing home. Whether you’re building a house from scratch or revamping your homestead, sustainability can be an effortless and rewarding cornerstone of your home that pays dividends for decades to come.

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Architecture Advocates: Lafayette Newell

by J Dennis Robinson

Portsmouth is unique. New Hampshire’s only seaport, soon to celebrate its 400th anniversary, blends charm and culture with vitality and commerce. In this series historian J.Dennis Robinson profiles people who influenced, honored, pictured, preserved, and promoted the historic architecture of “The Old Town by the Sea.”  

In an age when cameras are ubiquitous, it’s hard to believe. But besides a few sketches in word or pen, we barely know what old Portsmouth looked like. There are a few fuzzy images of buildings, but until the Civil War, most local photos are portraits of people, posing stiffly. While Lafayette V. Newell (1833 – 1914) took his share of studio shots, he also carried his heavy wooden camera, tripod, and fragile glass plates into the field.

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Spring is in the air, at last! Warmer weather and longer days is enough to make anyone anxious to get out of the house, and there are plenty of great reasons to do that in the coming weeks. Here are a few local events that we’re looking forward to….

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Downsizing your home can be a smart move for a number of reasons. For empty nesters, there’s simply no need to expend the energy and money on the upkeep of a large house. For those who reside in an area where the cost of living is high, it might simply makes sense from a financial standpoint. In either case, downsizing is also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

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These last weeks before spring begins to bloom can feel like the longest of the entire year. Time seems to move more slowly, but not in the way that allows for the cherishing of moments. Instead, time seems to inch endlessly through antsy children, soggy socks, and waking up early to start the cars before work. Don’t let the everyday monotonies of the winter dregs lose you any time with those you love: cozy up with the kind of luxurious indoor entertainment that will keep you from ever needing to leave the house.

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