The colors utilized in your home act as much more than simply decoration for your walls. Colors not only affect how each space looks and feels, but they also relate and work with each other to contribute to the overall ambience of your home. Color has always been a strong presence in humanity as part of both our natural environment and man-made structures.

paint brush When we see colors and their surroundings, our brain processes and assesses what our eyes have just seen. We have the ability to see things objectively and subjectively, but there are many aspects that determine the direction our perception goes, such as psychological influence, communication, and given information. Because of these aspects, choosing a color scheme is more than simply a matter of decoration, because it controls how we feel and interact in a given space.

If color could speak, it would articulate in a universal language. Color is a visual, universal language everyone in the world understands. Colors convey messages and have the power to change our psychological mood. Optimally, a color will create the perfect ambience to accurately reflect the intended function of a certain space or building.

For example, yellow traditionally gives off a sunny and friendly vibe. Utilized in the classroom setting, it is said to increase productivity and happiness among students. Red is fiery,  passionate, and aggressive and gives off a dominant, arousing feeling. The color red is associated with romance and love. Green is natural and calm, and sends a message of tranquility and balance. White is vast, open, and sterile. Its message is purity, space, and emptiness.

Keep in mind that the shade of the color also affects its character and presentation. A lighter shade of red becomes flirty and bright, while a darker shade of green can be deeply soothing.

If you would like to reconsider the paint colors in your home, or you are considering a whole-home renovation, TMS Architects is here to offer you our architectural expertise. Download our white paper “10 Questions to Ask Your Architect,” and then contact us for more information.