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The opening of the new student apartments at Madbury Commons was eagerly anticipated  this fall and so far, have proved to be a success beyond expectations. As Halloween winds down and the rest of the year’s holidays begin to arrive, family is a constant in students’ lives and the comfort and security of Madbury Commons has made the transition from family to school much easier. It’s never easy bundling a child up for their first day of school, or adapting to them living away from home; but it is an incredibly exciting and fulfilling time for everyone, in many ways.

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According to a recent article in the Manchester Union Leader, the TMS-designed, Madbury Commons project is on schedule for an August completion date thanks to construction company ProCon’s  valiant efforts in battling one of the worst winters in the Northeast.  According to developer Ken Rubin, President of Golden Goose Capital in Durham, “It’s a  very important project for the town…the whole concept was to extend downtown and create quality public space.” 

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