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It may feel like a jinx to even think it, but May has arrived and spring might just be here to stay. While there may be countless jazz sounds of springtime in Paris and poems of springtime in New York City, all who have ever been know there’s no place quite like New England in spring – and for anyone who’s been up the coast, no place in New England quite like Portsmouth. Striking architecture, thriving culture, and that kiss of salt air make it a destination all year round. But in spring, as the tree-lined streets are covered in blossoms and a hint of bright blue summer skies is just beginning to tease, our historic city truly thrives. Create your favorite memories for the season with the best events in town!

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Though it may not feel like it just yet, spring is here! It’s in the breeze off the harbor, the crocuses peeking up around every foundation, the children pouring out of school doors at the end of each day. Soon enough, summer will rock Portsmouth into full swing . But until then, there is plenty in this town of ours to do as we begin to shake out of that hibernation and into that freshest of seasons.

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With the warmth of Valentine’s Day just past and the days themselves soon to grow longer, it seems like spring should be only a step away, making this sudden arrival of true winter weather even more brisk. While it might seem best to burrow under the quilt covers and wait until the end of April to venture out into that New England pall, don’t let the chilly weather keep you away from all our wonderful town has to offer.

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